Stop Dreaming Start Action , Plenty of people believe in order to get what we want, we have to go out and make it happen. That we have to roll up our sleeves and pay our dues to earn our reward. They would argue our thoughts aren't what make the difference - action is.
Latest research is beginning to show, however, that our thoughts ARE things that play a role in what happens. Author Lynne McTaggart compiles many of those studies in her book "The Intention Experiment," which raises eyebrows among even law of attraction skeptics.
Who's got it right? Folks who believe action is what makes things happen? Those who believe thoughts alone create everything? Or those in between?
Here's how thought and action reallywork in our world and how we can best use them to easily and swiftly achieve our dreams.
The Role Stop Dreaming Start Action
Let's take for example someone who wants financial abundance. Most people who want more money have been trained to believe we have to earn it, that getting more money means getting a raise, working more hours, picking up a second job or getting more clients. Some resort to reducing expenses, while others sign up for training or education to be more valuable in the work place. Still others rely on chance by participating in the lottery or going to Vegas.
Are these actions effective? Is there a right or wrong way to approach financial prosperity? Although plenty of experts would sell you their formula for financial success, there IS no absolute right or wrong action. Some things work for some people and not for others. That's because it isn't the start action itself that makes the difference. It's how you feel about the action that matters most.
Which means your results in life aren't dictated as much by the actions you take as they are about your feelings about the action. The important question becomes how does this action make you feel? No one can know that but you. Some people pick up a second job and feel empowered and on track; others pick up a second job and feel desperate and spiraling downward.
The Power of Stop Dreaming Start Action
Let's look at it from the standpoint of relying on thought (or vibration) alone in order to get what we want.
Some practitioners of the law of attraction have been taught we'll be handed all our dreams and desires if we simply believe them real. We're told the brain doesn't know the difference between what's real and what's imagined, so if we just imagine strong enough and long enough that we are rich, the Universe has to make it so.
And we need never leave the comfort of our couch in order to let it happen.
The problem for most of us is that it's a nice concept, but we've been so conditioned to believe action is required that believing in the power of thought alone is a little farfetched. If we don't believe we can manifest money "magically" into our lives, it's not likely to happen.
My experience with most people is that although we might want to believe we can think something into existence, we often hold an element of doubt about it. (That doesn't mean it's not possible and that people aren't already doing it!)
The power for most people is combining the power of thought with our reliance and belief in action. When we leverage thought to create a vibration aligned with the results we desire, and we take action that enhances that vibration, our creative power shines. That's when it looks to outsiders as if we were favored by the gods, living a charmed life where everything goes our way.
Taking the action we think will serve us very often is what triggers an aligned vibration. In fact, very often deliberate creators find once they get their vibration lined up (by holding proper thoughts and feeling aligned emotions), they don't even have to take action before good things start happening.
What If You Stop Dreaming Start Action Now
Does this often happen to you: You are handed a task or project straight after lunch that you have to complete by the end of the day. No later. What do you do? Do you mumble, groan or perhaps even curse under your breath? Do you think, How on earth can I get this done?
Then you get up, push the chair back and head for the coffee machine and complain to your colleagues and put yourself into such a frenzy that when you get back to your desk you push the task aside, or you might attempt to start it yet end up putting it on top of the other tasks that you should complete. In your frustration, you decide to work on another project and end up putting that aside, too.
Overcoming procrastination, the lack of Stop Dreaming Start Action, is possible with the right strategies and preparation. You can condition yourself to take action by following the five steps below:
1. Get yourself organised before you even start the task.
2. Decide upon a goal that you intend to accomplish; what is the desired outcome.
3. Be disciplined and committed to follow through with your goal.
4. Once you have identified the necessary actions, make a 'priority list' of the items that need to be completed first
5. And the best for last, reward yourself when you complete every task or project.
Beating procrastination and taking action can be achieved once you have the strategies in place and you have the correct achieving mind set; the take action mind set: 'I am free of the habit of putting things off. I easily get things done no matter what is asked of me. I release any anxiety over having deadlines.'
Have the successful thoughts patterns and take all the necessary action to get things done. Stop Dreaming Start Action
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