Stop Dreaming Start Action . Just remember that writing down your goals is your first step. The second step is to take action to pursue them.
What ever the case, people who take action have a reason. Once you have a reason to change, you'll take action. If you don't have a reason, you probably won't change. It's as simple as that.
Visualization helps you see what you want before you even get it. The same principle works with your goals. The more you see them, the more you'll find yourself wanting them, and the more likely you'll take action every day to move one step closer to reaching them.
How to Reach Any Goal
Have you ever had a dream or an idea that you were really excited about, but was so big, it stopped you dead in your tracks? Those big, lofty goals are a necessary ingredient to success, yet so many of us let them weigh us down instead of propel us on. The absolute key to attaining any goal, and especially those big, lofty ones, is focus. Take one step at a time, and focus mainly on the present.
But how exactly does one go about focusing mainly on the present? It's true that, at the same time, it's important to know (and, therefore, focus on) your ultimate goal. I equate it like this:
Let's say you're about to hike up a small mountain (a large hill, really). You know where you want to go - to the top of the mountain (your goal and focus) - but you can't see it yet. Still, you know it is there. There is no doubt in your mind that the top exists. Your first focus is on the larger goal of the top of the mountain. So what is the next step?
The next step is to take a step! Your focus instantly comes back to the details - the first step, then the next, and so on. Your eyes scan the path for any obstacles, but you know you can easily overcome them, because your focus is in the present and on the current steps you are taking. Your goal is still there, it's just not the center of your current focus. Stop Dreaming Start Action
So when you think of a current goal, allow yourself to know that your goal it is possible, and that it is there for you. Then turn your focus on the present moment and the next small step that you could do to get you heading purposefully in the best direction to your goal. Remember, it's simply a chain of many small steps that lead to the top!
10 Steps To Stop Dreaming Start Action
With a Positive Attitude, there is no limit to what you can achieve. When was the last time you cheered yourself like a champion? Would you wear a t-shirt with your name on it? When did you truly fill your brain and your spirit with only positive thoughts and words of encouragement, allowing no room for self doubt and negative worries? The world can be cruel and hurtful; negativity abounds and bombards us every second of every day – if we let it. Keeping a positive attitude requires effort, constant nurturing, and a multitude of reminders.
Adopt my 10 Steps to Stop Dreaming Start Action, and I promise your life will never be the same. The beauty of this is that any of these ten steps can be taken by anyone, at any time, at any pace, and can be repeated as often as necessary.
1. Take Responsibility for Yourself – This is your life to live. It is your responsibility to define yourself and your own happiness. No matter how much love others have for you, it is not their responsibility to live your life or make you happy.
2. Choose Your Attitude – Happiness does not just happen or appear. You will be happy when you decide to be happy. Deciding to be positive means deciding not to be negative.
3. Learn From Every Experience - There is a lesson to be learned in every experience, every encounter, and every person. These may not always be good experiences but appreciate them for the lessons learned.
4. Live Like a Child – Never lose the joy, the wonder, and the magic of it all. Believe in you and believe in possibility.
5. Take Care of Yourself - All things must run their course. Allow yourself the time you need to regroup, refresh, reflect, relax, rewind, reward, and remember.
6. Accept What You Can Not Change – There are many things in our lives that we can and should change. Things that you cannot change, must still be faced and cannot be ignored. You do have control over your attitude and the actions you take.
7. Be First – Someone always has to take the first step, to make the first move. Why wait on others and maybe miss some incredible opportunities, experiences, and friendships?
8. Dare to Dream - Always ask “what if?” What if it really could happen? What if I really could do it? What if it really did work this time?
9. Never, Ever Quit – Keep learning, keep experiencing, keep trying, keep striving. How big are your dreams? Are they worth one more time of trying, ten more times, a hundred more times?
10. Live for Today – Today is the only thing that is truly guaranteed and you will never have it again, so make it memorable and make it count. It’s really all about no regrets. The end is really the beginning. Stop Dreaming Start Action Now !!
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