Sunday, June 28, 2009

You Need to Be Stop Dreaming Start Action to Change Your Life

Stop Dreaming Start Action. What prevents people from taking action to change their lives? People are unwilling to sacrifice time, money, schedules, etc in order to take action to change their life. You here people want change and talk about change but when it comes to taking action they no longer "have the time" or it is not the "perfect time" to make a change. When is a perfect time? There is normally a never perfect time to start taking action to change your life. I am frequently asked when is a good time to start taking action to change your life and I always answer NOW.

Sacrifice prevents people from taking action on things they know they want and deserve. All physical things are created from action. Think long term success. You may need to take some short term sacrifices in order to hit long term success. If you want to be massively successful then you must take action to change your life now and give up something in return. For example starting a new business, obtaining financial success, or starting an investing plan are items you can take action on to change your life but are often items people are unwilling to sacrifice the time or money to become successful in. Why? The fear factor. Stop Dreaming Start Action

Some people will say they do not have the money when they do because of the fear factor or the thought of failing or they previously failed in taking action on changing their life. It is those that overcome those hurdles and continue to take action to change their life that succeed. Most people do not know where to begin so they refuse to make the sacrifices needed to begin taking action to change their life. Take action now to change your life.

The Benefits of Stop Dreaming Start Action

Start action is not always easy. Why is it then that many people hesitate to make minor and major changes in their life, even if those changes are positive-perhaps even their lifelong dreams?

First, consider the cons of taking action. Now consider the benefits of taking action. It's always of benefit to take action rather than procrastinate or deaden your desire for life. Stop Dreaming Start Action

What are your dreams?

To become the next Internet Marketer superstar? A great singer or musician? Or is it something simple like a teacher or a homemaker? Whatever your dream it is not difficult to realize if you put some hard work and inspiration into it. Stop Dreaming Start Action now.

Take this simple exercise.

Get a notebook and start writing down some of the goals and dreams you had or have for your life. Make a few headers and name one: 'Things I know I can do'. Label another header: Things I think I can do, and the third: 'Things that are impossible for me to do'. Now set some goal setting tasks to accomplish each item under your first header.

As you complete those items in your first header, move on to the next: 'Things I think I can do', and work on those.

As you go through each item you would realize that accomplishing your goals are not so difficult once you really put some effort into them. The idea is you can do anything you put your mind to once you set targets. Who knows, you might just be able to accomplish something under your header 'Things that are impossible to do'. Set goals and work on them one at a time. But make sure that the goals you set are achievable, don't set goals that are difficult to accomplish within a given time, you must be realistic.

You have to realize too that whatever it is you want for your life would take hard work and diligence. You cannot accomplish anything if you don't work toward it. Just look at all the major accomplishments the world has derived so far - Space travel, cell phones, computers and the internet. All these were invented by people just like you and me. They had a dream and some people were just able to improve on another person's ideas, and so can you. Stop Dreaming Start Action.

You've heard the saying genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. And this is very true. You must work toward accomplishing your dreams. Not just the small ones but the big ones, the ones that take 1% inspiration. All those Olympic athletes who won gold, silver and bronze, did not get where they were just by dreaming. They worked hard, long hours training and developing their techniques. No pain, no gain as the saying goes. Start Action Now !!

So don't give up on your dreams. There are no limits to what you can accomplish. Just make up your mind to work on what you want and the sense of accomplishment you feel when you achieve it is the greatest feeling in the world.

Create Goals That Inspire You!

Many people have a hard time staying committed to the goals that they have and find that it is far too easy to allow yourself to get off track.

What can you do differently to ensure that you stay committed to the things that you want?

You have to create a goal that inspires YOU! It has to keep you flowing with energy, waking up early in the morning and staying up late to make sure that you take all of the steps that are necessary to bring your dream into your reality.

How can you make sure that your goals inspire you?

1. Ask yourself how would it feel to accomplish this dream that you have..

2. Ask yourself, do you really believe that YOU can accomplish this.

Stop Dreaming Start Action Now !!

Stop Dreaming Start Action Today For a Better Tomorrow

Stop Dreaming Start Action Today For a Better Tomorrow

Imagination -> Motivation -> Knowledge -> ACTION = Results

Motivation and knowledge are intimately linked in the creative process.

Knowledge has power. Knowledge together with motivation equals action.

Action is the critical step. Without action we suffer complacency and self-delusion: we have the dream of winning the game, we have the equipment and know how, and yet we fail to take the action. Action is the key ingredient to attaining our desired results. Imagination, knowledge, and motivation are only the seeds of progress.

You may read inspiration books, or listen to motivational tapes, but they must result in action towards your desired goal. Continued action builds up momentum, and with momentum comes progress.

With imagination, motivation, knowledge and committed action, we are on the path to a better, changed life, the path to our desired results, and our new beginning.

Habitual Stop Dreaming Start Action

If you're experiencing this, hopefully this post will help you take more action consistently.

Consciously, we want to change for the better, but that takes action, and usually this action is ignored by our subconscious mind. The key to taking action is thus training yourself to take action regardless of how you are feeling. To Stop Dreaming Start Action, even when you don't want to take action, you should use self talk. Talk to yourself and command yourself like a father commands a son, like a boss commands a worker, like a high school basketball coach commands the team. I'm sure you've been commanded before, and it makes you feel uncomfortable, but the result is you take action. When you say, "Take action," take action. When you get to this point, taking action will become easy and natural.

This is what habitual action means, and I hope you can take anything that you have trouble doing and turn it into an action that becomes a habit.

Taking Action

Business is all about taking action, period! Taking action is what counts. By taking action. Taking action is how you begin to develop self-confidence. Now taking action is broken up into parts. This kind of action is pointless, the action you must take is action towards your given goals and dreams.People like this make the mistake that they are actually getting work done when in fact they are not getting anything done. You must Stop Dreaming Start Action which moves you towards your goal, taking action which does not move you towards your goal is pointless. Feeling good about yourself and dreaming is great but start taking action to achieve those dreams. Stop Dreaming Start Action

Stop Dreaming Start Action Daily Goal Setting

Stop Dreaming Start Action . This leads to lazy, lower-quality lives that get boring quickly. Have you considered setting goals for yourself? When people picture daily goal setting, it usually involves writing something down. It might be a goal to lose weight, to save money or finish reading that book. Taking a long-term goal apart is essential in making personal progress.

However you must remember that this is only the start of the journey on the road to change.

It does take courage to turn dreams into reality.

A great many people may read or listen to positive thinking material, people some how think there is a magic in this, but the one truth that you must understand as you commence this journey is that the magic to change your life exists already within your heart. Remember it's safe to do the usually unchallenging things in life.

The next stage in your journey is to start to keep a journal to record the changes in your life. Just record what you.... believe to be important things or changes in your life. The key to growth for many people, as I have stated may be the reading of self help books or listening to DVD's. But reading or listening alone will not improve anyone's lot in life. • Question: if you would take such great care of your garden, why would you not take the same care of the garden within your mind? The mind dictates life's circumstance, you are not a victim of society, unless you wish to be, but you are end product of your mind. A great many people do not understand the following. Life's Traveler

If you feed your mind alcohol in excess and drugs, your life's circumstance will reflect that image. • Soar with Eagles.

There are many words that describe the way to Stop Dreaming Start Action to achieve your goals.

You probably thought that there was some magic pill, an easy way to achieve your goals. If you have come this far in reading, it must mean that you are committed to taking this journey and casting off the comfort zone egg shell that has protected you thus far in your life's journey.

People, who learn to love, laugh longer, live longer and smile easier, and usually have a wonderful balanced personality. If your only gift to the world is to teach you children how to love, what greater gift can you leave?

Remember I said treat your mind like a garden and only plant good seeds in this fertile part of the human anatomy. So Stop Dreaming Start Action!!

Stop Dreaming Start Action and Your Business Will Grow

Stop Dreaming Start Action and Your Business Will Grow

You need to get up off the couch and lead your business in the direction that you want it to grow in. This may take hard work but in the end it will worth it. Remember taking action is your number one step to success. This means you will need to read, continue learning about the business and surrounding businesses, advertising more and giving yourself a daily plan to follow. This is what it means to Stop Dreaming Start Action while trying to grow your business.

Home based businesses need to take action even more, because you are the head honcho. There is no one else but you who can get your business up and running. You can visit a bunch of online based home business opportunities and after a thorough search you will realize that the majority of what you have just researched are a bunch of scams.

There are plenty of opportunities out there and especially based at home. What you need to do is to Stop Dreaming Start Action.Here is a well researched and an extensive list of programs that will help you to take action when it comes to your home business.

Depending on the program, it will either help you to initially set up your home business and teach you how to run it with success (or taking action as we would like to refer to it as) or programs that will help you to improve on your already set up home business which will help you to take more action and initiative in your home based business and to eventually succeed big time. If you follow these steps you will be taking action and you will be on your way to success.

The Law of Attraction - Stop Dreaming Start Action Now!

What's the quickest way to let the universe know what you want?

There are extraordinary stories of success out there, but almost none of them involve "I just sat on my butt and watched the riches flow in!" If this ever happens, it only happens after an incredible amount of action has been taken to automate a successful business.

The challenge with the Law of Attraction and other products that help you develop 'powers of the mind' isn't that they don't work. They do work! Some of them work incredibly well. The challenge is that most people won't put in the practice to make the products work. The most important step is always to Stop Dreaming Start Action.

Anything worth having requires action. Developing any skill requires practice. There are information products out there that will show you the short cuts to achieving almost anything, but they all require work on your part as well.

Now this will come as a shock to some, but work doesn't have to be unpleasant. Work can be a lot of fun! If you love golfing, then golf! You might even teach others to golf, or start a website which reviews all the best golfing equipment. It is always easiest to find a way to do what you love in life, but it is also powerful to find all the things you can enjoy in any activity. As you do this more and more, you will notice that when you enjoy doing something, taking action is simple.

The best way to start (if you haven't already), is to take some small (or large if you like) step toward your goal right now. RIGHT NOW! Get up and do it now! This article isn't going anywhere.

Any time you take a step, congratulate yourself. You can do this in any way that feels right for you, but one suggestion would be to smile deep inside yourself, visualize your completed goal, and say to yourself (internally or out loud)"I'm doing it!" This makes the process that much more rewarding.

When you make taking action part of your practice, you will be impressed with how quickly you attract results into your life!

The last 2 words jolted me up. Yes, all we need to do is to Stop Dreaming Start Action. We could engage top notch consultants to an analysis. Upon completion, a report will be provided and probably the consultation fee will burn a hole in your pocket. However, we will still remain the same and things will not change. It will lead to more frustration and self doubt as this is like a vicious circle.

The simple thing that we need to do is to JUST Stop Dreaming Start Action.

Stop Dreaming Start Action and Make it Happen!

Stop Dreaming Start Action .Live your dreams, don't simply fantasize about them. Easier said than done? All it takes is flipping that little switch in your mind. Give it an empowering title like, "My life from this moment on", or, "From dreams to reality." It may sound cheesy, but having that title on your notebook helps to imprint this new life into your mind since you'll read it each time you pick the tablet up.

On the first page make a list of where your life isn't working. On the next page make a list of your dreams. Now...each consecutive page will hold the title of one problem and one dream. Under each title brainstorm ways to overcome the problem or make the dream into reality.

I titled one page: Ways to bring in extra money. (I home school my kids.) Great! What about dreams? Whether getting out of a rut, overcoming a problem, or making a dream come true, all it takes is determination, courage, and a step-by-step plan. By breaking big projects or problems down into small steps you can overcome just about anything, and begin living the life of your dreams!

Stop Dreaming and Start Your Own Business

Tired of wondering if you have what it takes to navigate your financial freedom? Wondering if you can make your dreams a reality? Well, here's your guidepost ---- Very Basic Easy to Understand Rules --------

Figure out why you want to start your business? Will it be part-time or full-time? If possible, start out part-time and keep your current employment. If you're just bored and tired of working for your boss, evaluate your decision. Be realistic. Go online. Attend workshops. Volunteer. Get a business plan!! Put your thoughts and ideas on paper. This allows you to figure out what you need. Don't forget advertising costs. Get your money straight! If you're drowning in debt, pay down your debt before plunging your life savings or retirement into a new venture. Check your credit history. Get your legal setup! You've done your research. You've met with the legal and tax professionals. You've got your financing. The main advantages of online trading are the low overhead costs. You've dreamed about this. You've worked hard for it.

Stop Dreaming Start Action - Get Balance Into Your Life

Life is essentially about balance. Balance can be about patience and the absence of greed, surrender. We're forever trying to get "more" from life... Balance can be about surrender. Desires must be disciplined. You know you have to restore balance to your life, for health, for sanity, to become happy again. You need encouragement. Visualise: the you that has crushed this rampant desire that has your life currently out of balance and out of control. You are living a new, freer life now, the life you always wanted to live. Life is wonderful again. Life is wonderful for the very first time. This is reality. Stop Dreaming Start Action

Stop Dreaming Start Action -- winners take action!

Stop Dreaming Start Action

Now it’s time to get your feet wet

The more you lean into your goal, the greater the magnetic forces your action creates. “The one thing that separates winners from losers is, winners take action!”

There’s No Perfect Time to Start

The reality is that there is no perfect time to start and waiting for that perfect time will only lead to missed opportunities, delays and complications.

Only by having powerful action goals can you construct an effective plan and achieve your vision.

Goals are the tools that you will use to build a new life. Yes, it’s time Stop Dreaming Start Action , Your goals become the tools that will make your vision a realty.

Creating goals, writing them down and taking the action steps to accomplish them is critical to your self-improvement. So if you are serious about changing your life you need to Stop Dreaming and have a set of specific goals, these goals need to be written down and reviewed daily. Each goal will have a set of detailed specific action steps that you will take. The action steps will put you on the right path to achieving your goals.

The most important step is to begin and we begin by writing down specific goals and action steps that will motivate and move you forward.

After writing down your goal/goals it is time to develop " Start Action " that will compel you to accomplish your goal.

Stop Dreaming Start Action are critical to your success. Think of Action Steps as the building blocks or the rungs on a ladder leading toward your goals. These action steps are the small daily things you do each and everyday. For example let's use this goal: "By July I will lose 10 pounds."

Some Action Steps could be:

By writing down these Action Steps and committing yourself to doing one a day, you will start working towards your goal of losing weight.

Work on only 1 or 2 goals at a time. You can do this on your computer, but I found it is much more powerful to hand write your goals, action steps, ideas, thoughts in a notebook. Take the time to really think about your goals and action plans. Stop Dreaming Start Action.

Stop Dreaming Start Action --Thought Vs Action ?

Stop Dreaming Start Action , Plenty of people believe in order to get what we want, we have to go out and make it happen. That we have to roll up our sleeves and pay our dues to earn our reward. They would argue our thoughts aren't what make the difference - action is.

Latest research is beginning to show, however, that our thoughts ARE things that play a role in what happens. Author Lynne McTaggart compiles many of those studies in her book "The Intention Experiment," which raises eyebrows among even law of attraction skeptics.

Who's got it right? Folks who believe action is what makes things happen? Those who believe thoughts alone create everything? Or those in between?

Here's how thought and action reallywork in our world and how we can best use them to easily and swiftly achieve our dreams.

The Role Stop Dreaming Start Action

Let's take for example someone who wants financial abundance. Most people who want more money have been trained to believe we have to earn it, that getting more money means getting a raise, working more hours, picking up a second job or getting more clients. Some resort to reducing expenses, while others sign up for training or education to be more valuable in the work place. Still others rely on chance by participating in the lottery or going to Vegas.

Are these actions effective? Is there a right or wrong way to approach financial prosperity? Although plenty of experts would sell you their formula for financial success, there IS no absolute right or wrong action. Some things work for some people and not for others. That's because it isn't the start action itself that makes the difference. It's how you feel about the action that matters most.

Which means your results in life aren't dictated as much by the actions you take as they are about your feelings about the action. The important question becomes how does this action make you feel? No one can know that but you. Some people pick up a second job and feel empowered and on track; others pick up a second job and feel desperate and spiraling downward.

The Power of Stop Dreaming Start Action

Let's look at it from the standpoint of relying on thought (or vibration) alone in order to get what we want.

Some practitioners of the law of attraction have been taught we'll be handed all our dreams and desires if we simply believe them real. We're told the brain doesn't know the difference between what's real and what's imagined, so if we just imagine strong enough and long enough that we are rich, the Universe has to make it so.

And we need never leave the comfort of our couch in order to let it happen.

The problem for most of us is that it's a nice concept, but we've been so conditioned to believe action is required that believing in the power of thought alone is a little farfetched. If we don't believe we can manifest money "magically" into our lives, it's not likely to happen.

My experience with most people is that although we might want to believe we can think something into existence, we often hold an element of doubt about it. (That doesn't mean it's not possible and that people aren't already doing it!)

The power for most people is combining the power of thought with our reliance and belief in action. When we leverage thought to create a vibration aligned with the results we desire, and we take action that enhances that vibration, our creative power shines. That's when it looks to outsiders as if we were favored by the gods, living a charmed life where everything goes our way.

Taking the action we think will serve us very often is what triggers an aligned vibration. In fact, very often deliberate creators find once they get their vibration lined up (by holding proper thoughts and feeling aligned emotions), they don't even have to take action before good things start happening.

What If You Stop Dreaming Start Action Now

Does this often happen to you: You are handed a task or project straight after lunch that you have to complete by the end of the day. No later. What do you do? Do you mumble, groan or perhaps even curse under your breath? Do you think, How on earth can I get this done?

Then you get up, push the chair back and head for the coffee machine and complain to your colleagues and put yourself into such a frenzy that when you get back to your desk you push the task aside, or you might attempt to start it yet end up putting it on top of the other tasks that you should complete. In your frustration, you decide to work on another project and end up putting that aside, too.

Overcoming procrastination, the lack of Stop Dreaming Start Action, is possible with the right strategies and preparation. You can condition yourself to take action by following the five steps below:

1. Get yourself organised before you even start the task.

2. Decide upon a goal that you intend to accomplish; what is the desired outcome.

3. Be disciplined and committed to follow through with your goal.

4. Once you have identified the necessary actions, make a 'priority list' of the items that need to be completed first

5. And the best for last, reward yourself when you complete every task or project.

Beating procrastination and taking action can be achieved once you have the strategies in place and you have the correct achieving mind set; the take action mind set: 'I am free of the habit of putting things off. I easily get things done no matter what is asked of me. I release any anxiety over having deadlines.'

Have the successful thoughts patterns and take all the necessary action to get things done. Stop Dreaming Start Action

5 steps above into your life

Stop Dreaming Start Action . One of the ways you can ensure that you are building an online business that will be successful both today and tomorrow is to plan out your goals. Start with exactly where you want to see your business be when it's at its greatest. If you know where you're going it's much easier to take the action steps required to get there.

After you know where you're going, then you can start breaking that major goal down into what some people call milestones. Prioritize your milestones and work on each of those individually. Create for yourself monthly, weekly and daily goals that will help you reach each individual milestone. After you complete one milestone, put together a detailed plan of reaching the next milestone.

By doing this, you are able to focus the majority of your attention on the tasks tightly related to each milestone rather than always looking at the extremely wide vision of your overall dream. As you work way from milestone to milestone, you'll soon realize that you're also building a solid foundation and structure to that overall dream you have.

Well, to figure out how to Stop Dreaming Start Action I began to listed to the audio recordings from the gurus. You know, the ones that get you all jazzed up and excited about life… but you end up back to your normal ways in less than a week.

Finally I got fed up and started to think about why I found it so difficult to take action and how to solve that problem. I mean, if anyone should take action it should have been me. Not saying this to brag, but merely to illustrate a point… but I was the full ride scholarship to college, 4 year college baseball athlete, graduated at the top of my class in college with a 4.0 gpa in college guy… (even won the entrepreneurship award at my college!)… who was supposed to make succeeding look easy. I DIDN’T… AND COULDN’T FIGURE IT OUT.

What I found out about Stop Dreaming Start Action later on really has very little to do with writing down all of your worldly goals, dreams, and hopes… and thinking about them. For me, action was brought about by setting up a system that allowed me to take action more easily… and more importantly… a system that I could rely on each and every day.

Okay, here’s what worked for me to finally Stop Dreaming Start Action toward that little list of “goals” I had.

  1. First, get the word goals out of your mind.
  2. Replace the word “goal” with the word “target
  3. Bring extreme clarity to your targets… and break them down into smaller pieces
  4. Utilize a system for outlining, tracking, and processing your actions and goals.
  5. “Audit” your life each and every week re-evaluate where you are.

After you ingrain the 5 steps above into your life, you will find yourself taking action every single day and reaching your targets much faster than before. I can tell you from experience how cool it is to actually see yourself making clear progress toward your goal… and eventually reaching some of them. It’s sure exciting.

Anyhow, I’ve gone on way longer than I thought I would… but that is the basic 5 step system I used to finally get out of my rut of in-action… and still use to this day to always progress toward my targets. Stop Dreaming Start Action

Achieve Your Goals By Starting Now

Stop Dreaming Start Action on your next goal or task now and immediately feel the worry and frustration lift from your shoulders. Take some kind of action today and, preferably, now. Even if your action only lasts one minute, you will feel better, healthier and more dynamic.

People, like Michael Masterson, who get a lot done every day, have a list of the day's tasks in front of them all day long. Why doesn't everybody follow Ivy Lee's expensive advice? My granddad used to say that if a thing's worth doing it's worth doing well. Notice that Frank McKinney advises an immediate start followed by daily action. The longer you delay the start, the less likely you are to take action.

Very few people open the learning courses that they buy. People download ebooks every day but how many actually read them?

How many go beyond reading and take action to apply what they have read about?

If you don't have a list, try creating one right now!

You can achieve much in just one minute of thoughtful action.

Make a list of tasks for today or tomorrow and get started.

If a thing's worth doing, it is worth doing badly so don't wait until you are an expert. Do something every day to make progress towards your goals even if you only work for five minutes.

I'll finish with a great quote from Mike Litman:

"When we take action on what we learn, great things happen."

Make That Difference Today - How Taking Action is Vital to Your Success

I believe action and Stop Dreaming is be one of the biggest factors that separates success from failure, action is the difference between living the life you want from the life you don't want.

Rather than just sit there and think about taking action. However here's another way to look at it, if you don't take action towards whatever it is you want in your life, you are absolutely 100% guaranteed not to get it. I firmly believe that if you take action towards your goals or whatever you want to change in your life, then you are already doing more than a lot of people out there.

What stops people taking action?



Businesses are created, relationships formed, languages learned, lasting
changes made.

The ability to act is what separates people. Start Action moves mountains! If you want to go anywhere in life, if you want your life to change in any way shape or form you are going to have to sit up and take action. In 6 months time how on earth do you expect your life to be different if you aren't doing anything about it right now? ~Here's a newsflash, if you aren't taking action today, tomorrow or the next day to work towards your goals then guess what? You will never have any chance of success (whatever that means to you) if you don't take action. Stop Dreaming Start Action

I never want to stop dreaming - Why it is Good to Dream

Stop Dreaming Start Action. I never want to stop dreaming, I'll always be thinking about what's possible for me in my lifetime and take action. Some medical researcher will probably one day find some health benefits to dreaming (if they haven't already). I think it's healthy to get lost in day dreams from time to time.

The process of dreaming creates images in your mind, which should then create a desire to go and make something happen in your life. It is good to dream and think about what you might like to create for yourself in your life.

If you are somebody who has achieved all their dreams then that's great but if you're not, then don't accept for yourself a life that's anything less than what you desire. If you want something, what's stopping you from getting it?

Is your life now something that you dreamed about when you were younger? Are you living the dream? If not, why not?

Believe in Your Dreams!

The Dream, the Vision, the Commitment, the Determination, the Spirit. Believe in the possibilities of life. Believe that your dream, too, can come true.

Believe in miracles.

It all begins with a dream, a vision of excellence. Along with that vision, taking the consistent actions with commitment and determination to bring your dreams into reality. This last weekend I watched the movie “Field of Dreams”. Following the words he heard “If you build it, he will come” Kevin Costner’s character, Ray Kinsella, plowed under his cornfields to build a magnificent baseball field. That precious moment that had been Ray’s true, underlying dream was finally fulfilled.

What if anything and everything was possible if we just believed and were willing to follow our passions?

This IS the time to believe in your dreams, to believe in the limitless possibilities of life, to believe in yourself, to believe in miracles.

Stop paying attention to the “What If’s” that have paralyzed you and killed your dreams in the past. Celebrate all of the successes in your life – big and small. Get in touch with your dream and your vision. Expect the miracles to happen every day of your life.

Do you know the quickest way to kill a big dream? Once we recognize a new desire, what's the thought right behind it? This hike was one of the most stunning, awesome, inspiring, humbling, unbelievably beautiful walks ever!

Where does "how?" stop you in life? After giving your dream some air time, all you need to do is Stop Dreaming Start Action that feels good. Forget figuring out "how!" Trust, allow, and leave the reins in the Universe's hands. Then prepare to be amazed! Stop Dreaming Start Action Now !!

How to Stop Dreaming Start Action to Set Goals in Your Life

Stop Dreaming Start Action . Just remember that writing down your goals is your first step. The second step is to take action to pursue them.

What ever the case, people who take action have a reason. Once you have a reason to change, you'll take action. If you don't have a reason, you probably won't change. It's as simple as that.

Visualization helps you see what you want before you even get it. The same principle works with your goals. The more you see them, the more you'll find yourself wanting them, and the more likely you'll take action every day to move one step closer to reaching them.

How to Reach Any Goal

Have you ever had a dream or an idea that you were really excited about, but was so big, it stopped you dead in your tracks? Those big, lofty goals are a necessary ingredient to success, yet so many of us let them weigh us down instead of propel us on. The absolute key to attaining any goal, and especially those big, lofty ones, is focus. Take one step at a time, and focus mainly on the present.

But how exactly does one go about focusing mainly on the present? It's true that, at the same time, it's important to know (and, therefore, focus on) your ultimate goal. I equate it like this:

Let's say you're about to hike up a small mountain (a large hill, really). You know where you want to go - to the top of the mountain (your goal and focus) - but you can't see it yet. Still, you know it is there. There is no doubt in your mind that the top exists. Your first focus is on the larger goal of the top of the mountain. So what is the next step?

The next step is to take a step! Your focus instantly comes back to the details - the first step, then the next, and so on. Your eyes scan the path for any obstacles, but you know you can easily overcome them, because your focus is in the present and on the current steps you are taking. Your goal is still there, it's just not the center of your current focus. Stop Dreaming Start Action

So when you think of a current goal, allow yourself to know that your goal it is possible, and that it is there for you. Then turn your focus on the present moment and the next small step that you could do to get you heading purposefully in the best direction to your goal. Remember, it's simply a chain of many small steps that lead to the top!

10 Steps To Stop Dreaming Start Action

With a Positive Attitude, there is no limit to what you can achieve. When was the last time you cheered yourself like a champion? Would you wear a t-shirt with your name on it? When did you truly fill your brain and your spirit with only positive thoughts and words of encouragement, allowing no room for self doubt and negative worries? The world can be cruel and hurtful; negativity abounds and bombards us every second of every day – if we let it. Keeping a positive attitude requires effort, constant nurturing, and a multitude of reminders.

Adopt my 10 Steps to Stop Dreaming Start Action, and I promise your life will never be the same. The beauty of this is that any of these ten steps can be taken by anyone, at any time, at any pace, and can be repeated as often as necessary.

1. Take Responsibility for Yourself – This is your life to live. It is your responsibility to define yourself and your own happiness. No matter how much love others have for you, it is not their responsibility to live your life or make you happy.

2. Choose Your Attitude – Happiness does not just happen or appear. You will be happy when you decide to be happy. Deciding to be positive means deciding not to be negative.

3. Learn From Every Experience - There is a lesson to be learned in every experience, every encounter, and every person. These may not always be good experiences but appreciate them for the lessons learned.

4. Live Like a Child – Never lose the joy, the wonder, and the magic of it all. Believe in you and believe in possibility.

5. Take Care of Yourself - All things must run their course. Allow yourself the time you need to regroup, refresh, reflect, relax, rewind, reward, and remember.

6. Accept What You Can Not Change – There are many things in our lives that we can and should change. Things that you cannot change, must still be faced and cannot be ignored. You do have control over your attitude and the actions you take.

7. Be First – Someone always has to take the first step, to make the first move. Why wait on others and maybe miss some incredible opportunities, experiences, and friendships?

8. Dare to Dream - Always ask “what if?” What if it really could happen? What if I really could do it? What if it really did work this time?

9. Never, Ever Quit – Keep learning, keep experiencing, keep trying, keep striving. How big are your dreams? Are they worth one more time of trying, ten more times, a hundred more times?

10. Live for Today – Today is the only thing that is truly guaranteed and you will never have it again, so make it memorable and make it count. It’s really all about no regrets. The end is really the beginning. Stop Dreaming Start Action Now !!

How to Have the Motivation to Keep Stop Dreaming Start Action

Stop Dreaming Start Action .This is a very common problem with many people, but it is a simple problem to tackle. The problem is trying too hard. People want quick and easy results. That's human nature. So what happens when people aim for quick and easy results? They find themselves suffering as they bring themselves to a new level. This is what causes people to lose motivation as they do something in a prolonged period of time.

How to Have the Motivation To Keep Taking Action? Here are some simple steps for you to follow. First, make it shorter. Make your tasks shorter and easier to achieve! Notice that people lose motivation when the project is too long. If you experience high motivation level at the start of each new project, you can use this as an advantage. How?

The Two Vital Elements You Must Have So Stop Dreaming Start Action

If you do not break your task down, you will find that you are not any more productive taking continuous action. How do you deal with this problem? There are two vital elements you MUST have to take continuous action. Your plan must be realistic and it must ensure that it motivates you to take action!

If you break it up and say you want to lose 5 pounds per month, this sounds easy and you will see that within 6 months you will definitely achieve your goal.

What have you created here? By breaking down your goal into 6 months you are making it realistic, and as it sounds so easy, you have the motivation to take continuous action!

That's about it, always remember, keep the 2 most important elements when you create your plan- It should be realistic, and keeps you motivated all the time.

Top 14 Habits For You To Stop Dreaming Action in Your Life!

Few habits which I feel that you must have to develop (if you have not done so yet) that will for sure improve the quality of your life and take your like to the next level.

  1. Be an Early Bird
  2. Move your Body and Exercise
  3. Grow your Brain with Mental Activities
  4. Don't Worry Be Happy
  5. Say thanks with a Sense of Gratitude
  6. Goals and Small tasks for the week
  7. Action towards goals and strategies
  8. Spend time with Successful people, Energetic people
  9. Watch the calendar, be more organized
  10. Eat Healthy, Feel Healthy
  11. Keep up your Money Matters
  12. Family Time
  13. Pursue your Hobby
  14. Throw out your lame thoughts

With these 14 habits that you develop, you can be 100% sure that your life will be much better. Stop Dreaming Start Action

Feeding the mind with Stop Dreaming Start Action

Feeding the mind with Stop Dreaming Start Action

Stop Dreaming Start Action By feeding the mind with something positive, you will automatically find that your body responds positively by taking action.

If you can sketch a basic business idea down on a piece of paper the size of a small envelope then it will not be too complicated to put into action. 7. Stay calm when driving for the whole week!

Stop Just Dreaming - Get Something Done the Law of Action

The law of action and self-command is needed in order to bring about the manifestation process. How does it feel to watch other people around make millions of dollars, have the relationship of their dreams and the life that they want? You have great ideas. You read books. You say your affirmations everyday. Do you implement the law of action?

Often times your actions can be self-sabotaged by what you are telling yourself. If you do affirmations and practice repeating empowering statements to yourself everyday it also helps to listen and to observe what you say during your day, because those are affirmations also. Self-command is the answer. When you practice self-command you do not just let any thought hang out in your mind, it's your mind, don't let anyone have it; accept you. You need self-command to help you become the person that takes Stop Dreaming Start Action steps in the direction of your dreams.

Self-command teaches you to utilize other forms of thinking other than the limited negative lack thinking that you learned growing up. When you use self-command you understand that thinking is a tool not who you are. Don't let your old habits walk away with your ability to take action toward your dreams. Live with new habits that support the life of your dreams. Implement the law of action and self-command.

How to Take Stop Dreaming Start Action to Improve Your Life

Lots of people don't like where they're at in their lives. The male "mid-life crisis" sees many such disillusioned people trying to re-find their youth - often with the help of a youthful mate! Many people's "nows" are not all they should be. What's the point in encouraging people to fully experience a "Now" that they don't like or wish to change? Not constantly perceiving your current lot through the filter of useless thought. Start experiencing the Now - paying attention to your five senses rather than paying attention to self-destructive thought. Research proves that if you start truly experiencing Now in this way, you will enter "flow" - a state of mind in which we become empowered. Stop Dreaming Start Action

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Stop Dreaming Start Action

Kontes SEO Joko SusiloSaudara, para sahabat yang setia mengunjungi Blog, saya membawa berita gembira untuk anda. Setelah melakukan persiapan selama dua minggu, sekarang saya bisa umumkan diadakannya kontes SEO dengan hadiah total Rp 25 juta. Mungkin ini adalah kontes SEO dengan hadiah terbesar yang pernah diadakan di Indonesia.

Silakan simak baik-baik penjelasan di bawah ini dan pastikan anda ikut ACTION untuk menjadi pemenang di Kontes SEO

Kontes SEO Joko Susilo

Latar Belakang

Begitu banyak rekan yang sedang berbisnis online (atau offline) kehilangan arah. Dan parahnya, mereka kehilangan daya karena terlalu banyak informasi dan rencana tanpa tindakan. Buaian impian menjadi sukses yang terlalu lama membuat mereka semakin terlena dalam lamunan. Mereka cenderung mencari kesempurnaan, mengabaikan cara-cara sederhana, dan terus saja mencari cara ajaib untuk mengubah nasibnya.

Mereka tidak sadar bahwa satu-satunya cara untuk menggapai sukses adalah dengan ACTION secara terarah dan konsisten. Itulah sebabnya, mengapa sering kita temui orang biasa bisa mendapatkan keberhasilan luar biasa walau hanya dengan amunisi sederhana.

Oleh karena itu, saya ingin menggalakkan kampanye “Stop DREAMING Start ACTION” dan menyebarkannya ke segala penjuru internet melalui KONTES SEO.

Tujuan Kontes

Kontes ini saya buat untuk menyadarkan diri saya, dan juga anda semua akan pentingnya ACTION. Pentingnya segera menyudahi mimpi yang tak bertepi, dan segera bertindak.

Melalui kontes ini, semakin banyak orang yang membahas pentingnya action dalam bisnis (atau dalam sisi kehidupan apapun juga), maka akan semakin banyak penjelajah maya yang membaca dan mendapatkan semangat besar untuk segera beraksi demi kemajuannya sendiri. Termasuk bagi para peserta kontes.

Harapan saya, ini akan membantu memberikan aura positif di dunia bisnis internet Indonesia dengan cara yang positif dan bersahabat.

Detail Lomba

Waktu Perlombaan:

Dimulai tanggal 20 Juni 2009, dan berakhir tanggal 15 September 2009 jam 9.00 WIB.

Tema Tulisan:

“Komitmen Stop Dreaming Start Action untuk masa depan yang lebih baik”.

Silakan tulis apa saja yang berkaitan dengan tema itu. Tulisan dianjurkan lebih bersifat motivasional, yang menggerakkan pembaca untuk bertindak. Boleh dalam bidang kehidupan apapun juga, misal bisnis, finansial, fisik, jiwa, sosial dsb.

Anda boleh tulis dari pendekatan manapun juga. Boleh dalam bentuk cerita, pengalaman, contoh, dan sebagainya. Gaya penulisan mau serius, humor, dll dipersilahkan, yang penting tujuannya tersampaikan. Kreativitas anda saya tantang di sini. Untuk bahan tulisan, silakan cari di Anda akan temukan referensi melimpah di sana.

Target Kata kunci:

Stop Dreaming Start Action (tanpa tanda petik)

Juri:, bukan

Pemenang: Top 10 Google Results.

Mereka yang menjadi pemenang adalah blog atau situs web yang berada pada posisi 1-10 halaman pertama dengan kata kunci “Stop Dreaming Start Action” pada akhir masa perlombaan, yaitu tanggal 15 September 2009 jam 9.00 WIB.

Para pemenang akan diumumkan tanggal 16 September 2009 jam 9 pagi, melalui blog Tepat 4 hari sebelum lebaran. Buat pemenang, ini akan jadi bonus Hari Raya buat anda.


Total hadiah sebesar Rp 25 juta, dengan komposisi sebagai berikut:

Pemenang 1: Rp 12.000.000,- + Free membership
Pemenang 2: Rp 6.000.000,- + Free membership
Pemenang 3: Rp 3.000.000,- + Free membership
Pemenang 4: Rp 1.500.000,- + Free membership
Pemenang 5: Rp 750.000,- + Free membership
Pemenang 6: Rp 500.000,- + Free membership
Pemenang 7: Rp 500.000,- + Free membership
Pemenang 8: Rp 250.000,- + Free membership
Pemenang 9: Rp 250.000,- + Free membership
Pemenang 10: Rp 250.000,- + Free membership

Cara kerja:

  1. Lakukan pendaftaran terlebih dahulu disini. Anda akan memiliki akses ke Area Peserta.
  2. Laporkan tulisan anda dengan memasukkan alamat URLnya melalui Area Peserta.
  3. Pemenang akan diumumkan di blog dan di Area Peserta.

Ketentuan Utama:

  • Konten harus memiliki makna sesuai tema, dan bukan hanya modifikasi keyword yang semata-mata untuk optimasi SEO saja.
  • Konten harus mencantumkan nama Joko Susilo yang nge-link ke salah satu postingan blog

Ketentuan Umum:

  • Kontes ini terbuka untuk para pemilik blog dan situs web di Indonesia.
  • Hanya pemilik website dan blog pribadi (gratis atau dengan domain sendiri) yang boleh ikut. Website forum, iklan baris dan website publik lainnya (dimana konten diisi oleh pengunjung) tidak diperbolehkan ikut serta.
  • Konten tidak boleh mengandung pornografi, isu SARA, hujatan, permusuhan, atau hal-hal yang tidak baik.
  • URL dilarang menggunakan domain bertarget kata kunci. Hanya subdomain dan nama file yang boleh bertarget kata kunci.
  • Peserta dilarang menggunakan metode Black Hat untuk mencapai ranking tinggi SEO.
  • Dilarang mengcopy artikel peserta lain, atau keikutsertaannya akan digugurkan.
  • Anda boleh menulis sebanyak-banyaknya, di berbagai website anda, tapi saat penilaian di, yang diambil hanya satu hasil teratas saja.
  • Konten boleh diedit berulangkali untuk kepentingan SEO asal tidak mengubah esensi materi.
  • Bila nanti hasil yang muncul di adalah website,, atau website lainnya milik Joko Susilo, maka itu tidak masuk hitungan dan pemenangnya adalah yang berada di posisi berikutnya.
  • Bila nanti hasil yang muncul di adalah website publik (tidak diperbolehkan ikut), maka itu tidak masuk hitungan dan pemenangnya adalah yang berada di posisi berikutnya.
  • Bila ada perubahan atau ketentuan tambahan, akan diinformasikan melalui blog Karena itu kunjungi terus blog
  • Panitia berhak menyetujui/tidak keanggotaan peserta atau artikel tertentu berdasarkan peraturan yang ada.

“Sebarkan berita kontes ini dan dapatkan 3 bonus menarik!”

Agar gelegar kontes ini lebih cepat merambat ke seluruh penjuru internet, maka saya adakan penawaran tambahan. Silakan tuliskan di blog anda berita seputar kontes ini, dan anda akan mendapatkan 3 bonus khusus dari Bonus saat ini masih dalam perancangan, akan diumumkan sekitar tanggal 20 Juni 2009.

Silakan ramaikan kontes ini dengan semangat kejujuran dan sportivitas. Untuk pertanyaan dan komentar berkaitan dengan kontes ini, silakan sampaikan di postingan ini.

Selamat berlomba. Mulai ACTION sekarang juga dengan mengisi Form Pendaftaran Peserta Kontes!