Sunday, June 28, 2009

Stop Dreaming Start Action Daily Goal Setting

Stop Dreaming Start Action . This leads to lazy, lower-quality lives that get boring quickly. Have you considered setting goals for yourself? When people picture daily goal setting, it usually involves writing something down. It might be a goal to lose weight, to save money or finish reading that book. Taking a long-term goal apart is essential in making personal progress.

However you must remember that this is only the start of the journey on the road to change.

It does take courage to turn dreams into reality.

A great many people may read or listen to positive thinking material, people some how think there is a magic in this, but the one truth that you must understand as you commence this journey is that the magic to change your life exists already within your heart. Remember it's safe to do the usually unchallenging things in life.

The next stage in your journey is to start to keep a journal to record the changes in your life. Just record what you.... believe to be important things or changes in your life. The key to growth for many people, as I have stated may be the reading of self help books or listening to DVD's. But reading or listening alone will not improve anyone's lot in life. • Question: if you would take such great care of your garden, why would you not take the same care of the garden within your mind? The mind dictates life's circumstance, you are not a victim of society, unless you wish to be, but you are end product of your mind. A great many people do not understand the following. Life's Traveler

If you feed your mind alcohol in excess and drugs, your life's circumstance will reflect that image. • Soar with Eagles.

There are many words that describe the way to Stop Dreaming Start Action to achieve your goals.

You probably thought that there was some magic pill, an easy way to achieve your goals. If you have come this far in reading, it must mean that you are committed to taking this journey and casting off the comfort zone egg shell that has protected you thus far in your life's journey.

People, who learn to love, laugh longer, live longer and smile easier, and usually have a wonderful balanced personality. If your only gift to the world is to teach you children how to love, what greater gift can you leave?

Remember I said treat your mind like a garden and only plant good seeds in this fertile part of the human anatomy. So Stop Dreaming Start Action!!