Sunday, June 28, 2009

You Need to Be Stop Dreaming Start Action to Change Your Life

Stop Dreaming Start Action. What prevents people from taking action to change their lives? People are unwilling to sacrifice time, money, schedules, etc in order to take action to change their life. You here people want change and talk about change but when it comes to taking action they no longer "have the time" or it is not the "perfect time" to make a change. When is a perfect time? There is normally a never perfect time to start taking action to change your life. I am frequently asked when is a good time to start taking action to change your life and I always answer NOW.

Sacrifice prevents people from taking action on things they know they want and deserve. All physical things are created from action. Think long term success. You may need to take some short term sacrifices in order to hit long term success. If you want to be massively successful then you must take action to change your life now and give up something in return. For example starting a new business, obtaining financial success, or starting an investing plan are items you can take action on to change your life but are often items people are unwilling to sacrifice the time or money to become successful in. Why? The fear factor. Stop Dreaming Start Action

Some people will say they do not have the money when they do because of the fear factor or the thought of failing or they previously failed in taking action on changing their life. It is those that overcome those hurdles and continue to take action to change their life that succeed. Most people do not know where to begin so they refuse to make the sacrifices needed to begin taking action to change their life. Take action now to change your life.

The Benefits of Stop Dreaming Start Action

Start action is not always easy. Why is it then that many people hesitate to make minor and major changes in their life, even if those changes are positive-perhaps even their lifelong dreams?

First, consider the cons of taking action. Now consider the benefits of taking action. It's always of benefit to take action rather than procrastinate or deaden your desire for life. Stop Dreaming Start Action

What are your dreams?

To become the next Internet Marketer superstar? A great singer or musician? Or is it something simple like a teacher or a homemaker? Whatever your dream it is not difficult to realize if you put some hard work and inspiration into it. Stop Dreaming Start Action now.

Take this simple exercise.

Get a notebook and start writing down some of the goals and dreams you had or have for your life. Make a few headers and name one: 'Things I know I can do'. Label another header: Things I think I can do, and the third: 'Things that are impossible for me to do'. Now set some goal setting tasks to accomplish each item under your first header.

As you complete those items in your first header, move on to the next: 'Things I think I can do', and work on those.

As you go through each item you would realize that accomplishing your goals are not so difficult once you really put some effort into them. The idea is you can do anything you put your mind to once you set targets. Who knows, you might just be able to accomplish something under your header 'Things that are impossible to do'. Set goals and work on them one at a time. But make sure that the goals you set are achievable, don't set goals that are difficult to accomplish within a given time, you must be realistic.

You have to realize too that whatever it is you want for your life would take hard work and diligence. You cannot accomplish anything if you don't work toward it. Just look at all the major accomplishments the world has derived so far - Space travel, cell phones, computers and the internet. All these were invented by people just like you and me. They had a dream and some people were just able to improve on another person's ideas, and so can you. Stop Dreaming Start Action.

You've heard the saying genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. And this is very true. You must work toward accomplishing your dreams. Not just the small ones but the big ones, the ones that take 1% inspiration. All those Olympic athletes who won gold, silver and bronze, did not get where they were just by dreaming. They worked hard, long hours training and developing their techniques. No pain, no gain as the saying goes. Start Action Now !!

So don't give up on your dreams. There are no limits to what you can accomplish. Just make up your mind to work on what you want and the sense of accomplishment you feel when you achieve it is the greatest feeling in the world.

Create Goals That Inspire You!

Many people have a hard time staying committed to the goals that they have and find that it is far too easy to allow yourself to get off track.

What can you do differently to ensure that you stay committed to the things that you want?

You have to create a goal that inspires YOU! It has to keep you flowing with energy, waking up early in the morning and staying up late to make sure that you take all of the steps that are necessary to bring your dream into your reality.

How can you make sure that your goals inspire you?

1. Ask yourself how would it feel to accomplish this dream that you have..

2. Ask yourself, do you really believe that YOU can accomplish this.

Stop Dreaming Start Action Now !!

Stop Dreaming Start Action Today For a Better Tomorrow

Stop Dreaming Start Action Today For a Better Tomorrow

Imagination -> Motivation -> Knowledge -> ACTION = Results

Motivation and knowledge are intimately linked in the creative process.

Knowledge has power. Knowledge together with motivation equals action.

Action is the critical step. Without action we suffer complacency and self-delusion: we have the dream of winning the game, we have the equipment and know how, and yet we fail to take the action. Action is the key ingredient to attaining our desired results. Imagination, knowledge, and motivation are only the seeds of progress.

You may read inspiration books, or listen to motivational tapes, but they must result in action towards your desired goal. Continued action builds up momentum, and with momentum comes progress.

With imagination, motivation, knowledge and committed action, we are on the path to a better, changed life, the path to our desired results, and our new beginning.

Habitual Stop Dreaming Start Action

If you're experiencing this, hopefully this post will help you take more action consistently.

Consciously, we want to change for the better, but that takes action, and usually this action is ignored by our subconscious mind. The key to taking action is thus training yourself to take action regardless of how you are feeling. To Stop Dreaming Start Action, even when you don't want to take action, you should use self talk. Talk to yourself and command yourself like a father commands a son, like a boss commands a worker, like a high school basketball coach commands the team. I'm sure you've been commanded before, and it makes you feel uncomfortable, but the result is you take action. When you say, "Take action," take action. When you get to this point, taking action will become easy and natural.

This is what habitual action means, and I hope you can take anything that you have trouble doing and turn it into an action that becomes a habit.

Taking Action

Business is all about taking action, period! Taking action is what counts. By taking action. Taking action is how you begin to develop self-confidence. Now taking action is broken up into parts. This kind of action is pointless, the action you must take is action towards your given goals and dreams.People like this make the mistake that they are actually getting work done when in fact they are not getting anything done. You must Stop Dreaming Start Action which moves you towards your goal, taking action which does not move you towards your goal is pointless. Feeling good about yourself and dreaming is great but start taking action to achieve those dreams. Stop Dreaming Start Action